One of the most asked questions about rosacea, also known as acne rosacea, relates to how this skin problem is actually diagnosed. After all, it is very easy to mistake acne rosacea for sunburn, for example. Of course, that mistake is possible only in the very first stages of this condition. Sunburn symptoms disappear after a day or two, but acne rosacea symptoms stick around for months and, in more serious cases, even years.
Usually, it is fairly easy to diagnose a rosacea patient. His or her skin is very pale, very clear and when they blush, the redness is not even, but interrupted by white areas, giving it an almost checkered look. In the end, there are no specific tests that indicated that the acne rosacea diagnosis is completely correct. However, once the treatment starts working, the diagnosis is confirmed. If the treatment is not working, perhaps the reason for the blotchy skin is another one, but that is highly unlikely.
In some unusual cases, a skin biopsy might be considered needed by the physician. This is not something that should be taken lightly and it is not a procedure that all patients are comfortable with. The sufferer should be explained that the skin biopsy is not an indication of the suspicion of cancer and that it is used to determine the diagnosis in many other conditions, like a strange case of rosacea.
The root cause of acne rosacea is still not known and it is a mystery. It is a chronic skin disorder which normally affects the central portion of the facial skin such as nose, eyes, arms and neck. It is long term disorder which causes the development of redness on forehead, cheeks, chin and nose. This redness causes the blood vessels on the skin to enlarge which is then noticeable through the skin in the form of small and thin lines.
One of the biggest mysteries surrounding rosacea must be its actual causes. Now, nobody is saying that some of the rosacea causes are not suspected, but none of them have actually been proven clinically or have been accepted widely by the medical community.
Some people believe that one of the most important rosacea causes is genetic, while others think that it goes far beyond the genes of ones’ parents and straight into the shared gene pool of certain populations. For example, clear and very pale skin is almost a guarantee that that particular person will suffer from rosacea sometime in his or her life. Usually, the English and the Irish are well known for their rosacea caused skin problems.
Other researchers believe that the genes are only one part of the mystery and that the list of rosacea causes should include overexposure to sun, a mite found in hair follicles, called Demodex folliculorum, the bacteria Heliobacter pilori, known for being the main reason behind the appearance of bacterial ulcer and medication that causes the blood vessels to expand. Basically, the physiological cause of rosacea is the dilation of the small blood vessels that exist just below the skin of the face. When these expand in diameter, their walls tend to fissure and tiny streams of blood exit and settle right beneath the skin, creating the easy to spot aspect of rosacea skin.