[q1 cd=”T”]hese 5 foods are full of ingredients, additives and chemicals shown to cause the worst problems to your kidneys and overall health.
If you want to protect your kidney health,keep these 5 supermarket staples out of your shopping cart.
Like your doctor may have told you, if you have chronic kidney disease, good nutrition and diet are critical components of the treatment plan.
But why is diet so important for protecting your kidney health? While the right dietary regimen is important for everyone, those with diminished kidney function have shown the worse reaction to an unbalanced diet.
Patients suffering from chronic kidney disease(CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) cannot rely on their kidney to maintain the delicate balance their body needs.
The kidneys regulate the quantity of water,electrolytes, minerals and waste products in the metabolism.
Stepping out of this balance will not just make you feel tired, out of energy and sick, will also make your kidney disease progress at an higher rate.
This is why the outcomes of bad dietary habits have shown to be disastrous.
So here is the list: These foods are the worst of the worst, starting from number 5: 5 Salt An excess of salt in your diet will alter the delicate sodium balance in your body.
The kidneys will have to work harder to restore this balance, and the result will be fluid retention and higher blood pressure.
While water retention will cause some cosmetic issues, like cellulite, high blood pressure is one of the main risk factors for kidney disease.
In my experience, most people just eat too much sodium, so almost anyone can see an immediate health improvement reducing salt intake.
Table salt is the worse, since it is heavily processed and contains chemicals.
Himalayan salt is a good substitute, see comment section for some trusted sellers.
4 Meat There are several studies confirming that an excess of red meat can be a danger for kidney health.
Protein metabolism requires a lot of work from the kidneys.
This is why high protein consumption has been linked to an higher risk of kidney disease and kidney stones.
Still, meat is a source of high quality proteins and should be a component of an healthy diet.
My advice is to reduce the intake of meat,especially red meat, to maximum two portions a week.
Processed meat should be completely avoided.
3 Excess Potassium in Vegetables and Fruits There’s a number of fruit and vegetables kidney patients should be avoiding bananas, prunes, raisins, collards, potatoes, cantaloupe and tomatoes are too rich in potassium and can be dangerous.
Healthy kidneys are perfectly able to process the excess of potassium you can get from fruit and vegetables.
But an excess of potassium in the blood of a kidney patient can cause symptoms as severe as an heart attack.
Still, vegetables are really good for your health, and should always be an important part of your diet.
2 Sugar For every 150 calories of dietary sugar you consume a day, you risk of diabetes, one of the main risk factors for kidney disease, increases by 1.
1 percent – according to are search published in the journal PLOS ONE.
If this is not enough, dietary sugar has been linked to esophageal cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer and lung metastasis.
And while the sugar industry has done a number of cover-ups to shift the blame to fats, paying scientists and falsifying studies, it is pretty obvious nowadays that excess of sugar is unhealthy as it gets.
So, how can you reduce sugar in your diet? Sugar is hidden in almost every processed food under a variety of names: dextrose, fructose, lactose, corn syrup, maltose, molasses, sucrose and so on.
Best way to protect your kidneys and your health is to totally avoid processed foods and sugary beverages.
Your kidneys and your waistline will thank you! 1 Sodas The influence of drinking sodas and other soft drinks on human health has been widely researched over the last decades.
You might expect some damages to your health if you regularly consume unhealthy beverages.
Still, the results of most studies were way worse than the expectations.
But why are sodas so bad for your kidney health? Sodas have a very high concentration of caffeine,sugar, artificial sweeteners, phosphoric acid and other chemicals.
In a study conducted on more than 3000 women during 10 years, a rate of decline of more than 30% in GFR was observed in test subject who drank 2 or more serving a day of artificially sweetened sodas.
In my experience, this kind of very direct and sharp correlation is not very common in trials done on thousands of subjects.
And the numbers here are pretty scary: only two cans a day and you will end up losing 30% of renal function.
It’s not a chance, it’s certain.
Very scary, if you think about it.
This is why I’m putting sodas on the top of my list of things to avoid.
An advice from Michael Wright:Diet sodas are even worse than regular sodas for your Kidney Health! Drink water or green tea instead This is all for today! If you liked this video, please like and subscribe! Thank you for watching!.
Source: Youtube